Dr. Rafael Molina started in 2000 a protocol for the use of tumor markers in helping in the diagnosis, histological diagnosis, and therapy monitoring in patients with cancer. In 2007 the group obtained a grant to evaluate the tumor marker utility in the diagnosis and histological diagnosis of lung cancer. Results of these studies were published in 2009 and a final report including 3200 patients was published in 2016.
1) Help in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis in patients with suspicious signs of lung cancer (hemoptysis, lung nodules, thoracic pain, persistent cough) using a panel of tumor markers
2) Help in the histological classification of patients with lung cancer

Molina R, Marrades R, Auge JM et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Feb 15;193(4):427-37c
Tumor Markers:
Initially the programme evaluated 6 tumor markers, CEA, CA 15.3, CYFRA 21.1, SCC, NSE and ProGRP, and the determination of all them were necessary.
Today it is possible to use a programme that take in account the results of tumor markers used and reevaluate them according to clinical, radiological or analytical information that may modified the markers interpretation. Programme may work with at least one tumor marker, but evidently if we use all six tumor markers it is possible to obtain the best results.
The initial results has been modified with the addition of CA 125 and CA 72.4. However, Inclusion of these biomarkers do not increase the efficiency of the programme, increasing less than 2% sensitivity and loosing more than 8% specificity. CA 19.9 may increase around 5% sensitivity, but loosing 6% of specificity. However these false positive results, using serial determination, it is not a problem and false positive results may be identified.
The main objective is help in the differential diagnosis taking in account the possible false positive results.
Program include relevant information including well known sources of false positive results, are renal failure or liver diseases, laboratory test that may suggest it, or other factors that may produce false positive results. Inclusion of these data is not mandatory but improve the programme efficiency.
Program also suggest actions to do to be sure if a result is indicating cancer or not or is a false positive result.
Specificity using six tumor markers in a single determination is around 87% .Taking in account relevant information requested, specificity may be increased until 90%. However the most important criteria in tumor marker evaluation is follow-up. Serial tumor marker determination will increase significantly specificity, until 99%.
REFERENCES related to this topic from members of the team or collaborators.
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